
Payments made online

Payments made online thru our website are posted to your account when they are posted to the water district bank account.

How To Read Your Remote Read Meter

For those of you who have had the new remote read meter installed, here is how you can read it and see if you have a leak. When removing the water meter lid, be careful not to damage the cable that connects the disc antenna to the meter. You will need to shine a flashlight on the digital read face of the meter. If water is being used you will see an arrow flashing at the top of the display. If you look under photos on our website you will see pictures of what the digital display looks like....
Remote Read Meters

Remote Read Meters

The Jackson County RWD #1 board of directors decided to begin the process of installing remote read meters. These meters that will be able to be read by using a radio signal that will pick up the read by driving by. We have currently installed 1179 remote read meters. Currently the district has 1191 meters. The remaining meters will be installed the next few months.

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