Cindy Broxterman 1407

2024 Manager's Message

Dear Jackson County RWD #1 Members,
It has been a while since I have updated you on the water district activities. As the water district continues to grow, we strive to provide our customers with a quality product. We purchase 95% of our water from Shawnee County Consolidated RWD #4 and 5% from the City of Topeka. In the last 14 years the district has done approximately 20 miles of line improvements. Remote radio read meters were installed and completed in 2018.
91 new meters have been added in the last 5 years. With the district’s growth the need for infrastructure upgrades became apparent. So in October 2022 the district board adopted a 20 year long range capital improvement plan. The first project the district will do is upgrade the waterline on 110th road between S Road and U4 road. As a part of this upgrade, the 4” and 5” water line will be upgraded to 6” and 8” water line. This upgrade will increase the volume and water pressure to the customers in the eastern part of the water district. As a part of this project, the district is working with the Hoyt Fire District to determine where to put 3 fire hydrants along the upgraded line.
The district will continue to upgrade lines within the district from the funds raised through water sales and the monthly minimum charges. The water district is financially stable and debt free. Feel free to contact the office for a copy of the 2023 Audit.
The district currently offers a $50 finder’s fee to anyone who reports a verified leak in the district. This is done in order to help keep the district water loss to a minimum.
District Manager,
Greg Drinovsky



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