
Final Phase of the 2011 Expansion to begin

The final phase of the 2011 Expansion is set to begin the week of June 17, 2013.  This phase includes the addition of 3 meters on 35th street.  Weather permitting this phase will take 10 - 12 working days to complete.  If you have any questions feel free to contact the office.


Final Phase of the 2011 Expansion to begin

The final phase of the 2011 Expansion is set to begin the week of June 17, 2013.  This phase includes the addition of 3 meters on 35th street.  Weather permitting this phase will take 10 - 12 working days to complete.  If you have any questions feel free to contact the office.


12" Water Line Fixed

We were able to fix the 20 foot section of 12" line that broke overnight by 2 pm.  Thank you for you patience.


12" Water Line Fixed

We were able to fix the 20 foot section of 12" line that broke overnight by 2 pm.  Thank you for you patience.



One of the 12" water lines that runs along highway 75 between 78th and 102nd broke overnight, June 5th.  We are in the process of fixing it now.  Until it is fixed we are asking everyone to conserve water in order for our pumps to keep up with demand and for the water tower to fill up.  Thank you for your cooperation and patience.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.


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