
Jackson County Land Attachment Hearing 8-19-13

Jackson County RWD #1 is in the process of attaching land to our water district.  There are two areas to be attached.  One is in Southern Jackson  and Northern Shawnee.  The other is an area in Shawnee county north of Little Soldier creek from Leedy road on the east then south to 33rd following Little Soldier creek to Hodges on the west and north to 45th.  


Sherman Road Line Improvements

Work began on August 5, 2013 to add a 4" line between 114th and 134th on Sherman road and a half mile east on 134th.  With this line we hope to be able to increase the water volume and water pressure in this area.  Weather permitting this project will take approximately 2 weeks. 

Sherman Road Line Improvements

Work began on August 5, 2013 to add a 4" line between 114th and 134th on Sherman road and a half mile east on 134th.  With this line we hope to be able to increase the water volume and water pressure in this area.  Weather permitting this project will take approximately 2 weeks. 

Water Line Work - 7-24-13 and 7-25-13

We will be replacing a valve at 102nd and 75 highway today and tomorrow, July 24th and July 25th.  Customers in the area of 94th and 102nd from 75 highway east on 102nd to S road and north on S road to 110th and then east on 110th to Sutter's Lake will experience water service interruption from 8:30 am until 3 pm.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.


Water Line Work - 7-24-13 and 7-25-13

We will be replacing a valve at 102nd and 75 highway today and tomorrow, July 24th and July 25th.  Customers in the area of 94th and 102nd from 75 highway east on 102nd to S road and north on S road to 110th and then east on 110th to Sutter's Lake will experience water service interruption from 8:30 am until 3 pm.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.


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