Where is Jackson County RWD #1 office located?

The office is located at 120 East 5th Street in Hoyt, Kansas.

What are your office hours?

Office hours are from 8 am to 2 pm Monday thru Friday.

What is your mailing address?

Jackson County RWD #1 P.O. Box 15 Hoyt, Kansas 66440

How much does a meter cost?

The current charge for a 5/8" x 3/4" meter is $5000.

If I live in the City of Hoyt where do I pay my water bill and who do I contact?

Jackson County RWD #1 does not service water meters in the City of Hoyt or do their billing.  City of Hoyt bills should be paid at the city office just to the north of the city water tower .  For City of Hoyt billing questions call the Hoyt City Clerk at 785-986-6385.

Do you do automatic bill pay?

We do direct debit thru ACH.  You will need to fill out the ACH form(in the documents) and return it signed along with a voided check to our office.  The ACH payments are taken out the 1st business day of the month.

When are the meetings for Jackson County RWD #1?

Jackson County RWD #1 holds their regular monthly meetings on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7 pm at the office. 

When is the annual meeting?

Jackson County RWD #1 annual meeting is held on the 4th Tuesday of February at 8 pm at the district office in Hoyt.

What is the Jackson County RWD #1 email?

Our email is jcrwd1@live.com

Who is the Jackson County RWD #1 General Manager?

Greg Drinovsky

What is the 'IF Late - Add'l Charge' on the monthly bill?

Payments not received by 4 pm on the 15th of the month will be charged a 10% late fee on the total balance due.

Why does the water district require an easement?

In order to fix or upgrade the water line that goes to the water meter, the state requires an easement in order to do the work.

What if I fall behind on my water bill?

Failure to pay your monthly water bill may result in discontinuance of service.  If service is discontinued there will be a $60 charge due along with any past due amount owed before service will be continued.

What is the minimum charge on my monthly bill?

The current minimum charge for most residential customers effective May 2024 is $27.43 and does not pay for any water.  This charge is used for any debt service and upkeep on the water lines and meter.  Those customers considered in the expansion area minimum charge will be $40.91.

What is the current water rate?

The current water rate effective with the May 2024 bill the water rate will be $8.25 per 1000 gallons for residential customers.

How do I report a water leak?

If you think there is a leak on one of the Jackson County RWD #1 lines and it is during regular office hours, call the office at 986-6913.  After hours please call 785-364-7578 or Greg at 785-315-1554.

What to I do if I suspect a leak in the water line running from the meter to my house?

The water line running from the meter to the house is the responsibility of the homeowner.  If you turn off all the water in the house and go to the water meter and the dial is moving or the triangle is spinning then there is probably a water leak between the meter and the house.  If you know where the water line runs you can walk that area and check for unusually wet spots and that may be where the leak is.  If you have a leak you will need to contact your plumber.

What do I do if I am experiencing low water pressure?

Please contact the office.  There could be a leak or the pressure regulator on the meter may need replaced.